The Bachelier Family
Haiti | NSN Ayiti Ministries
Our Family (left to right)
Senadi, Roselande, Aunt Sarah,
Amber, Gaston, Tanner, Tiga,
Rodrigue, Makendy, Ralph,
Stanley, and Marvenz
After living in Haiti for 6 years, God has led us to focus in Port de Paix. We are seeking to develop relationships within our community that glorify God, and, simply trying to love people like Jesus loves us. This bleeds into every facet of our daily lives. Whether it be teaching and discipling, job creation, or
community development, we want people to come to know Jesus as the one who provides all, sustains families and loves them desperately. By living in community with our neighbors, we share in our joys and our sorrows, our good days and our bad days, and our times of getting it right but also our times of messing it up.